Internal reporting office
The Wohlrab Group attaches great importance to legally compliant and ethically impeccable conduct at all its locations. We always act with integrity and are committed to complying with legal provisions, ethical principles and internal guidelines (Wohlrab CSR Policy & Code of Conduct). Whistleblowers play a key role here, as they can make a significant contribution to uncovering and remedying irregularities.
Against this background and in order to meet our obligations under the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG), we have commissioned the law firm SLK to set up and operate an internal reporting office and to act as a trusted lawyer.
Information on the submission of a report
Who can report irregularities?
All Wohlrab employees, business partners and other third parties worldwide.
What can be reported?
We only ask you to report serious compliance violations. This includes any violations of Section 2 HinSchG, e.g. criminal acts such as corruption and fraud, theft and embezzlement, coercion and harassment. Violations of human rights or environmental risks or violations both in your own business area and along the supply chain can also be reported. You can also contact the reporting office in the event of imminent violations or mere suspicion of possible compliance violations. Even if these subsequently turn out to be unfounded, you will not suffer any disadvantages.
Please note that the reporting office is not intended for general complaints or the reporting of emergencies!
How are you protected as a whistleblower?
Reporting offices are legally obliged to keep the identity of whistleblowers and the named persons strictly confidential. Disclosure of this information to unauthorized persons is prohibited. Communication with our trusted lawyer (Wohlrab Germany) or our compliance officers (Wohlrab Asia; Wohlrab Indonesia) takes place via secure channels. You can also report information anonymously via the digital whistleblower system. It is not possible to trace the information back to you personally.
Which reporting offices are available for the submission of reports?
You can find further information on submitting information under the respective reporting offices.